Make a 2024 donation

To show our appreciation for all the amazing on-deck support we’ve had this season! To pay it forward in support of our Swarm Parents Association, the booster club for Hastings Swimming.

Use the guide below to make your donation. You can donate to the SPA, contribute to the coaches gift, and buy a t-shirt or two! Once you have selected your donation amount, you will see the SPA Venmo details.

SPA (Swarm Parents Association) is a NYS nonprofit organization with the mission of raising awareness and support for student swimming. Your donation is tax deductible (does not include t-shirts).

Donation for the Swarm Parents Asccociation

$10.00 increments


Contribution to the Coaches gift

$10.00 increments


We have T-shirts!

Hastings Swarm 2024 T-shirt
SPA Donation: $
Coaches Gift: $

Total: $

To continue with your gift/donation...

Using the QR code or link below, complete your gift/donation for $ in Venmo. Thanks so much! Use the link in the Total above to "Copy total to clipboard" and paste that into the description in venmo so we know any t-shirt sizes and how to divide your gift or donation.

venmo QR code

Donate - Swarm Parents Association